When designing the interior of our office, we wanted it to be not only comfortable and ergonomic, but also helpful in our work. At the same time, it was not to be an interior for show. Our studio is lively, full of material samples, albums, magazines, prints and models. Its arrangement has to break through this clutter.
We are architects and we spend most of our time in the world of dimensions, ordinates, surfaces, volumes. When designing various buildings, we often look for spaces with similar dimensions and proportions to make sure that what we are proposing is indeed of the right scale. Also, during meetings, our investors often ask us to show them, using our office as an example, what sizes we are talking about in the case of the facilities designed for them.
The idea for the interior also had to take into account the fact that we do not own the premises in which we are based, so it is risky to invest a lot of money in it. It is also widely known that the most difficult investor for an architect is himself. Above all because we architects are most afraid of the unchangeability of the completed project. It was therefore necessary to create interiors which could be easily changed without losing the original idea.
The combination of all these assumptions led to the creation of a project, the first realised version of which is called 1.0/2010. The idea is very simple: we have pasted the dimensions and ordinates of the characteristic elements on the walls of the individual rooms in our studio, and the surface and volume of each room by the door ? the area and volume of each room. As you can see in the photos, the interior "spilled out" beyond the boundaries of our premises, into the staircase and even the car park.

We used only four colours in the design, which we took from the CMYK printing system (these days it's hard to find an architectural office that doesn't have a printer?). The cost of this implementation was very small, even symbolic. This makes it easy to improve and update every now and then. Version 2.0/20 is already slowly being developed... 😉
Photos: Lukasz Zandecki
